A good program is one that not only works but is also easy to learn . A great program is one that works and is user-friendly so that it does not even need to be learned!
In today’s world, your target audiences prefer to identify themselves with great programs which are user centered . They prefer software that they can relate to. Your product is expected to meet this vital requirement.
With our experience and approach in this service vertical, we can help you to achieve collaborative focus and expertise in designing and implementing your product’s user interface to enhance your product’s usability and brand value by making it user-centered.
User interface design, sometimes also called user interface engineering, is the design of computers, gadgets, appliances, machines, mobile communication devices, software applications, and websites with the focus on the user’s experience and interaction . Unlike traditional design where the goal is to make the object or application physically attractive,the goal of user interface design is to make the users interaction experience as simple and intuitive as possible-what is often called user-centered design . Where good graphic/industrial design is bold and eye catching, good user interface design is often subtle and invisible.
User Interface design is involved in a wide range of projects from mall kiosks to software applications to car navigation systems to e-commerce sites; all of these projects have some things in common yet also require some unique skills and knowledges. As a result, user interface designers tend to specialize in certain types of projects and have skills centered around their expertise, whether that be software design, web design, or industrial design. What all these projects have in common is, of course, the focus on how the user interacts with the device, system or application.
- Processes:
There are several phases and processes in the user interface design some of which are more demanded upon than others depending on the project. (note for the remainder of this section the word system is used to denote any project whether it is a web site, application, or device)
- Functionality requirements gathering:
Assembling a list of the functionality required of the system to accomplish the goals of the project and the potential needs of the users.
- User analysis:
Analyzation of the potential users of the system either through discussion with people who work with the users and/or the potential users themselves. Typical questions involve: What would the user want the system to do? How would the system fit in with the users normal workflow or daily activities? How technically savvy is the user and what similar systems does the user already use? What interface look & feel styles appeal to the user?
- Information architecture:
Development of the process and/or information flow of the system (i.e. for phone tree systems, this would be an option tree flowchart and for web sites this would be a site flow that shows the hierarchy of the pages).
- Prototyping:
Development of a wireframes, either in the form of paper prototypes or simple interactive screens. These prototypes are stripped of all look & feel elements and most content in order to concentrate on the interface.
- Usability testing:
Testing of the prototypes on an actual user-often using a technique called talk aloud protocol where you ask the user to talk about their thoughts during the experience.
- Graphic Interface design:
Actual look & feel design of the final graphical user interface (GUI) based on the findings developed during the usability testing. This last phase is often handled separately by a graphic designer who also has knowledge in user interface design. However, some user interface designers are also proficient graphic designers.